Saturday, April 21, 2007

Online Learning

Online learning goes right along with my constructivist view of the experiences being student centered. I had the opportunity to teach computer classes last year to seventh graders. I integrated computer applications with online learning activities and WebQuests. Not only did the students get to hear the online lessons (with headphones) they got to visually see the pictures, videos, demonstrations, examples, etc. This helped students to have a more well rounded understanding of the concepts being taught. There are many students who are shy and are intimidated to answer questions out loud because of the possibility of being scolded or made fun of by others if they are wrong. Online learning helps to prevent some of this from happening. I had all the students set up blogs. Students were to post to the blogs. Only I knew their code names. The blog postings by those students who usually never spoke were really good. Their posts were pretty much open and honest. I heard from teachers, that some of the students that were fully engaged in my online activities did not participate much in their traditional classroom settings.

Those students who have Internet access at home could continue their online learning activities at home. This allows the families to get involved with their child's learning. Again, this reflects a student centered environment, but now allows for family involvement. Being a mother, I would love to be involved with my son's online assignments. This is why I have created a website for my students and their family members to know and see what we are doing in the classroom. I think that it is so important for the family to know what is going on in their child's classroom.

In November's book, "Empowering Students," he mentions how online learning can also lend itself to activities away from the classroom. He is absolutely correct! I believe that all subjects learned online can lead to other activities. Just as I am learning all kinds of valuable information about technology and being a librarian from my home computer. When I go to the school library, I put into action what I have read and learned online. Just like the students who participated in an assignment for an online science class, taking notes to classify trees and flowers (page 78).

I think that the Second Life virtual world is amazing! As soon as I saw it being demonstrated, my wheels in my mind began turning. You could use this environment to conduct any lesson. I can see, in my minds eye, students being fully engaged and actually very excited about completing assignments. I believe that it will take some time learning how to create and change the environments as well as teach students how to use it, but will all be well worth it. Since I am becoming a librarian, I also thought about creating a virtual library. This would probably take a very long time to develop, but just imagine the possibilities if it were created!

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