Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I passed the School Librarian TExES Certification Exam. I am a certified library media specialist! Woo-Hoo! :-D

Monday, May 7, 2007

My AHAs for ETEC 524

I have thoroughly enjoyed all the technological skills that I have acquired during this ETEC class. I have many AHAs that I would like to share. First, I am happy to learn how to evaluate websites. This will come in handy as a middle school librarian. For me to be able to lead students to certain websites, I need to be sure that the site contains accurate and legit information. I will be able to teach the students how to evaluate websites as well.

Next, I am delighted to have learned how to create a website using Dreamweaver. As a school librarian, I plan on creating a highly developed website for the library. This website will be uniquely designed full of educational information, useful links, colorful graphics and pictures, etc. Dreamweaver will help me accomplish this.

I have always wanted to know how to create a film on the computer. Now, I know how thanks to this class! Windows Movie Maker is so easy to use. It is easy to create and modify film and pictures. I love being able to develop slide shows using Movie Maker. I like how you can zoom in and out of pictures. I will use Movie Maker to present films and slide shows of activities that occur in the school library.

Probably the most awesome and "coolest" technological tool that I learned in this class was about virtual worlds. Second Life is unbelievable. It amazes me at how you can create your own world and use it for educational purposes. I would love to develop a virtual library. It would be fantastic! I could create lessons and activities for students to accomplish in the virtual world. The students would absolutely love it. I have already shared this with my nephew who is in the eighth grade. He thinks it is great and already knows more about it than I do.

I am so thankful for having the opportunity to take this class! The knowledge I have gained will help me to fulfill my goal of being a successful school librarian.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Educational Technology Philosophy

People need the opportunity to be enriched and enlightened by receiving an equal, fair and quality education. The knowledge gained from educational technology encourages and promotes intelligent and responsible citizens to function, contribute, and adapt in a society that is continuously changing. The opportunity that I have as an educator is significant in the development of one’s skills, attitudes, appreciations and disciplines necessary for building one’s future. As an educator, I believe that it is through dedication and commitment to help build a bright future and strong community.

I believe in the Constructivist point of view that lessons should be student-centered. Learning environments should support collaborative construction of knowledge through social negotiation, not competition among learners for recognition. I like to provide a learning environment in a real-world setting. As an educator, I like to serve more as a facilitator and keep my learning environment student-centered rather than teacher-centered. I always promote and encourage higher-level thinking. I realize that students have individual learning styles. I try to take into consideration what styles/methods of teaching relate best with my students. I integrate educational technology into my lessons to help accomplish this. My goal is to not only engage all my students into learning, but also to have them truly learn and remember something while enjoying the process along the way.

As an educator, I teach with one purpose in mind. This purpose is to have all my students become successful learners. I want my students to know that I truly care about them. Being a caring teacher is what makes an educator great. If a teacher cares, he/she will put forth the effort in planning quality lessons that will engage the students. In addition, he/she will listen to the students, hearing what they have to say. From the experiences that I had as a student, the teachers that cared enough to actually stop, look and listen to me made the most positive impact on my education. I want my learners to gain knowledge, respect and a love for learning. If I achieve this, I feel like I have succeeded as a teacher. It makes me happy knowing that my students like my class and that they are engaged in learning.

I am the type of person who likes to get things done correctly. If something I teach is not a success the first time, I will re-teach it another way. Using technology for educational purposes is great for accomplishing this. I try to make it fun for my students. I believe that I teach like this because I put myself in my students’ shoes. I never liked school if the lesson was dull/boring or if the teacher was mean/uncaring of his/her students. Therefore, I encourage my students, show them that I care and use educational technology to promote exciting and thorough lessons. Synonyms for “teacher” that accurately describe what I believe myself to be are caring, friendly, patient, goal oriented motivator, success driven, and educator.

The reason I choose the teaching strategies that I use is to accomplish the goal of my students remembering and comprehending the lessons. I want my students to be able to remember what we did in class more than a month ago. I want the lessons to be remembered rather than forgotten. The types of lessons that get my attention are those that fully engage the learners. I like to use educational technology in ways that allow students to participate in hands-on assignments. I like my students to know what is expected and how to carry out the assignment while enjoying it.

Educational technology plays a huge role in my goal of being a successful teacher-librarian. I will utilize educational technology in ways to positively influence and empower students, teachers, administrators and members of the community. The possibilities of gaining knowledge are endless. Educational technology allows me as a teacher-librarian, to help all those find, locate and evaluate all types of information.

I realize that there are so many educational technology tools that I have not yet used. Technological resources are continuously being created and updated. I understand and value the importance of educational technology and what it can provide me and to my learners. Providing a meaningful and quality education is what is important for our future, our community and all of us. Therefore, through continuous education, I strive to gain knowledge and better myself as an educator and learner through discovering new empowering ways to integrate educational technology.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Technology-Enhanced Curriculum

As I was reading Romano's ideas on the implementation of a Technology-Enhanced Curriculum (TEC), I thought to myself, "Will this be possible?" I like all his ideas and implementation strategies. I think it would be a very difficult and long process. I think that it may be achievable, but will take many years.

The costs are enormous. I think that it would be a great idea for each school district to develop their own TEC implementation plans, then find grants and other ways to help pay for the program. For a school district to have TEC, they must have the technological equipment/software, to have the equipment/software, they need to have money to pay for it.

While reading the text, I thought about the Forney School District. I taught 7th grade technology in Forney, last year. Students from a particular elementary school were more technologically advanced than my other students in class. I found out that one elementary school was chosen as a test to see how successful students/teachers would be by each having their own lap-top computers. Teachers were to implement lesson plans with the use of the lap-tops. These students in my class were already able to use most of the technology applications as well understand how to use them with assignments. The elementary students have used the computer lap-tops for the last 3 years. I just found out recently that since it has been a success, the school district has now accumulated funds to provide every student/teacher a lap-top at the middle school level, beginning next year. The district plans on providing lap-tops for all elementary and high school students in the very near future. The teachers at the middle school have already received their lap-tops to begin planning assignments for next year. I think that this is a smart idea. Testing to see how the students respond to the use of technology and working out problems that arise from the test. I am sure that the middle school faculty expect and will experience many problems next year. This is to be expected with any new implementation. In the long run, I think that it will be so beneficial in preparing students to succeed in a technological world.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Online Learning

Online learning goes right along with my constructivist view of the experiences being student centered. I had the opportunity to teach computer classes last year to seventh graders. I integrated computer applications with online learning activities and WebQuests. Not only did the students get to hear the online lessons (with headphones) they got to visually see the pictures, videos, demonstrations, examples, etc. This helped students to have a more well rounded understanding of the concepts being taught. There are many students who are shy and are intimidated to answer questions out loud because of the possibility of being scolded or made fun of by others if they are wrong. Online learning helps to prevent some of this from happening. I had all the students set up blogs. Students were to post to the blogs. Only I knew their code names. The blog postings by those students who usually never spoke were really good. Their posts were pretty much open and honest. I heard from teachers, that some of the students that were fully engaged in my online activities did not participate much in their traditional classroom settings.

Those students who have Internet access at home could continue their online learning activities at home. This allows the families to get involved with their child's learning. Again, this reflects a student centered environment, but now allows for family involvement. Being a mother, I would love to be involved with my son's online assignments. This is why I have created a website for my students and their family members to know and see what we are doing in the classroom. I think that it is so important for the family to know what is going on in their child's classroom.

In November's book, "Empowering Students," he mentions how online learning can also lend itself to activities away from the classroom. He is absolutely correct! I believe that all subjects learned online can lead to other activities. Just as I am learning all kinds of valuable information about technology and being a librarian from my home computer. When I go to the school library, I put into action what I have read and learned online. Just like the students who participated in an assignment for an online science class, taking notes to classify trees and flowers (page 78).

I think that the Second Life virtual world is amazing! As soon as I saw it being demonstrated, my wheels in my mind began turning. You could use this environment to conduct any lesson. I can see, in my minds eye, students being fully engaged and actually very excited about completing assignments. I believe that it will take some time learning how to create and change the environments as well as teach students how to use it, but will all be well worth it. Since I am becoming a librarian, I also thought about creating a virtual library. This would probably take a very long time to develop, but just imagine the possibilities if it were created!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Primary Sources and NARA

When I read Alan November's chapter on using primary sources, I couldn't wait to check out the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) website. www.archives.gov/index.html Once I got on the website, I didn't want to stop browsing it. It is full of historical facts with original, first-hand documents, manuscripts, photographs, newspaper articles, films, etc.

I am so thankful to learn how to find primary resources. I have so many ideas on how I am going to use this information as a school librarian. This will be a great tool to use with middle school students. I plan on developing a page on my website dealing with information and links to primary sources. I will use the, "Questions for using Primary Sources," (on page 61) as a guideline when helping students. I will also generate questions (as on page 67) to help students think critically about primary source material. The worksheets (pages 71-73) are a great way to help guide students to evaluating primary sources.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Connection Between Computers and Education (Perceptions)

Perceptions that Michael T. Romano makes that I most closely identify with:

There is a generalized intuitive feeling that computers should have a vital role in teaching and learning. what is lacking is a sharply focused definition of that role and a strategy for integrating computers into education alongside books. and chalkboards-in a mode that secures the teacher's central role. I know many teachers that seem to be enthusiastic about using the computer in the classroom, but have no idea where to begin. There needs to be some in depth training specifically on how to use the computer with lessons.

Because computers store multimedia information interactively retrievable utilizing software that is course-specific, they allow teachers to provide each member of the class an increased number of individualized learning experiences based on the learner's needs rather than the teacher's availability. Everyone has their own learning style. Students may use differently learning styles in regards to certain subjects as well. Multimedia programs allow students to learn at their own pace and level. The best thing about these programs is that it allows all students to be successful.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is apparent that society is driven by information managed in three literacy modes: print literacy, video literacy, and computer literacy. To maximally empower teachers, all three should be integrated into the implementation of the curriculum. What is not apparent is how this is best accomplished. I think that this statement reflects what was mentioned above, that is, teachers are not comfortable in integrating the computer into their classroom lessons. Not that they are not willing to do it, they just do not know how to do it. Consistent training and actual lesson demonstrations would be helpful to teachers.

Interactive multimedia, stored and retrieved by computer, represents a linkage, or convergence, of print literacy, video literacy, and computer literacy. Its growing importance in contemporary society suggests it be identified by the term the new literacy. its full potential in the classroom is significant and still to be realized. The combination of all three would greatly impact a teacher's method of lesson planning. If mastered, one would have an extremely beneficial literacy program. Students would receive a well-rounded education in literacy.

The new literacy-interactive multimedia-offers teachers the opportunity to improve the fidelity, the relevancy, and the accessibility of the information driving the teaching-learning process and thus enhance student achievement. The goal is to enhance student achievement. New literacy-interactive multimedia does achieve this. It allows one multiple ways to find, grasp and understand ideas.

The fundamental role of computers in the classroom is to extend the capacity of teachers to provide individualized tutoring to learners, thus compensating for the disparity in each individual's capacity to achieve. Multimedia programs allow for students to work on an individual pace. They give tutorials, explanations, examples, etc. to help the student understand the concepts. Being a teacher, I understand that all students are not always on the same pace. These programs allow all students the capability to be successful. I think that it is a fantastic idea for each student to have their own computer.

Technological Innovations

The use of a television in a classroom has expanded over the years. Not only can one watch an educational VHS, DVD or cable station, one has the capability to conduct an interactive class by the way of video conferencing. Gradually more and more of these types of conferences are becoming available. This is an excellent way to learn and communicate with someone anywhere in the world. Every time, I have had a class by the way of video conferencing, all my students were engaged in learning, eager to ask questions and find out answers. I always try my best to keep all my students engaged in my lessons. During a video conference, I don't have to try, they just engage into the discussions by themselves.

Unfortunately, most video conferences are very expensive. Because of proven successful learning that video conferences give students, I would push that they be included in the budget. Even if it is for each class to participate in a conference once or twice a year, I believe it would be worth it. Just experiencing it would enlighten students. Hopefully, over the next few years, the conferences will not be so expensive, that way all children will be able to benefit from them.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Perceptions on Technology's Role in the Classroom

The master teachers of the Information Age are those who develop the capacity to navigate the worldwide oceans of information and selectively retrieve that which can provide an enriched experience for their learners. I feel if teachers know exactly what to look for on the web, how to search for and locate sites, and evaluate sites will be able to save time and provide beneficial information to the learner.

How teachers manage information has a major impact on the outcome of the teaching-learning process. Technology facilitates and amplifies the teacher's capacity to provide learners with information of higher fidelity in an individualized, interactive mode. I believe that teachers who thoroughly manage information for lessons and integrate it through technology will achieve positive learner results.

Teachers plan, communicate, guide, and evaluate. Information technology can be adapted to allow the teacher to do these better and, thus, impact positively the efficiency of the teaching-learning process. I agree that information technology helps guide teacher instruction. It allows the teacher to view and evaluate multiple sources based on criteria and specific needs for planning purposes.

There is compelling evidence that learning is heightened when teachers create visually rich experiences, this engaging the learner's entire brain-rather than only half. I believe that a well rounded education is achieved not only by hearing it but by seeing visuals as well.

In great part, the effectiveness of the communication phase of the teaching-learning process determines the outcome. A teacher must communicate information clearly, therefore evaluating information on websites is crucial before teaching it. A teacher must make sure the information is clear and accurate, not misleading or difficult to decipher.

Information technology skillfully integrated into the curriculum will allow teachers to improve the fidelity, relevancy, and accessibility of the information they make available to learners. It is proposed that this empowers teachers so that they might do what they do-better. I feel that teachers who integrate information technology with curriculum will see positive results. Not only on assignments, but how students will continue to use information technology in many areas.

I know that I will benefit from the knowledge I have gained in this class. When I am a school librarian, I plan on using information technology in a number of areas. Not only will I use it for myself, but I plan on using it directly with the students, teachers and administrators. I have many ideas about what I am going to do. I can't wait to create a library website where I will be able to incorporate them.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Worst Fears & Best Hopes Regarding Technology

Alan November says that paper is a very powerful medium, but it is not dynamic and it does not provide the sound, animation, real-time feedback, and capacity for continuous expansion of global relationships. He also goes on to say that teachers need to promote student responsibility for learning. Students must have a sense of owning the problem rather than seeing it as an assignment from the teacher. I agree with November's statements and believe students will be more engaged in learning, learn better and faster, and work more efficiently, (or should I say these are my "Best Hopes.") through educational technology.

Some of my fears that I have with students using the technology is, of course, using it inappropriately. I know the importance of net etiquette and believe that each student should be thoroughly aware of what and what not to do while on the Internet or any computer for that matter. Educating students on proper use should help to "almost," eliminate inappropriate computer use. Unfortunately, you may not be able to stop all of it, but there are ways that teachers can monitor what students are doing.

I think that addiction to technology is another fear. I think that it is a good idea to combine both technology with the real world. For example, in Colleen's Healthcare Database Project, she created a database to list all the recreational services available for the handicapped population in the area. This is an excellent idea which provided much information for her community. After collecting some information, I think it would be a great idea to physically go out and inspect the organizations in person. After inspecting them in person, Colleen could add her experiences to her database.

I see barriers all the time among teachers using technology in the classroom. Most do not know where to begin. Also, it takes a lot of spare time to plan using technology when one has used traditional methods for years. It is like starting all over again as if a new teacher. Some teachers are so afraid of technology that they come right out and say that they are NOT COMPUTER LITERATE. On-going professional development can help ease teacher's fears, but I think that we need more actual lesson demonstrations on how to use the technology with our students. Most of the professional development classes on technology is how to use electronic spreadsheets, slide shows, word documents, etc. Teachers begin to gain confidence on how to use them, but not on how to incorporate them into their lessons. Hopefully, we will start training teachers to incorporate technology into their lessons by providing examples for them to follow.

One thing that I have learned in class and by reading the text is how children are enthusiastic to participate while learning with technology. For example, I plan on filming my students taking on the responsibility of keeping our classroom clean and germ free. I told them about it and they are extremely excited. I have not actually done it yet because I am still trying to figure out exactly how I should approach this project. Here is one of my fears, not knowing exactly what I should do first. I am going to try my best and plan each part at a time. I do not expect it to be perfect and I know that there will be a lot of trial and errors, but I believe that I will gain confidence as the project continues. I am also going to allow my students to give comments and suggestions on what they think should be said and done, providing a more student-centered project. Of course, they will be the stars of the film as well. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Video Conferencing, Email and Sending Faxes

In Alan November's book, Empowering Students With Technology, he gives great ideas on how to incorporate technology into the classroom. One example that he gives is having students send faxes to their parents. Kindergarten students can do this. They can draw a picture and fax to their parents at work or home. I think this is an excellent idea. I wish that I had thought about it earlier. I teach kindergarten students and plan on trying it. I would love it if my son sent me a fax. It would make my day! Having that communication during the day would be wonderful. I think all my student's parents will be thrilled with it as well.

Sending emails is another way that students can communicate with others. I think it is a good idea to have an email buddy from another state or country to write back and forth to. This allows students to read what others are doing in their classes. Students can make life long friends communicating by email.

Video conferences are excellent for communicating globally. In the past, I have had two classes participate in a video conference. One was with the San Diego Zoo and the other was with NASA. The students have thoroughly enjoyed this. They were able to communicate and see the representatives by live video. The students were not bashful and were eager to ask questions. Their questions were answered and they gained a lot of knowledge. Some video conferences are free like the one we participated with NASA. There are multiple organizations that participate in educational video conferences. I plan on having my kindergarten students participate in a video conference soon. I am anxious and look forward to how it turns out.

In Michael T. Romano's book, Empowering Teachers With Technology, he talks about left and right brained students. I found this to be interesting. As the books says, in the past, the education system geared its information giving toward left brained students - using more sounds and words (lecture and books). I am glad to see that educational systems are trying to make it more even, now by focusing on right brain learners, too - using visuals and graphics. I believe that this will help increase knowledge in all students.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Desktop Publishing and MicroSoft Word

Desktop publishing allows you to create newsletters, brochures, cards, calendars, menus, etc. It is extremely easy to use and includes multiple templates that one can simply fill in. This software is wonderful to use for monthly newsletters or brochures. Last year, I had my students pretend that they operated their own restaurant business. I had them create and design their restaurant menu using Publisher. It was a huge success! The students thoroughly enjoyed using Publisher.

There is so much more that can be done with MicroSoft Word than just typing memos or letters. When using Word, you can insert graphics, charts and graphs into the document. These graphics, charts and graphs can be manipulated. WordArt is another useful tool Word has to offer. It allows text to be uniquely designed by color and shape. One of the most interesting tools I learned about Word is how to track changes and insert comments. This is terrific for peer editing other's work. I especially like being able to insert a voice comment. This personalizes it and allows you to say exactly what your intentions are without having to type it. Voice comments are also excellent for compliments. Nothing makes you feel better after putting many hours in preparing a document than having your professor say, "You did a great job!" :-)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Are Bloglines and Del.cio.us Useful Technology Tools?

Absolutely! I had never heard of either of them until a few days ago. Now, I find myself using them over and over.

Bloglines make it easy and convenient for someone to find and read blogs. It is an excellent tool for organizing all your favorites. You have the capability to organize the blogs by creating files. I have already put several of my favorite blogs in files. Bloglines also lets you know when there is a new blog entry that has not yet been read. A number appears near your file indicating how many new blogs entries are waiting to be read by you. My near future plans are to put many blogs pertaining to technology and library on Bloglines. From now on there will only be one place that I need to go to retrieve and read my blogs. I am really enjoying using it and anxious to learn more.

Another super and convenient tool to use is Del.cio.us. Del.cio.us is an excellent tool for organizing all my favorites/bookmarks. Anyone who has seen my favorites list knows that I need something to help keep them all organized. With Del.cio.us I can bundle my favorites in categories (which I have already done). I can set up a Network, so I can see my friend's blogs as well and they can see mine. For those favorites that you want to keep confidential, you can simply instruct it to not share. The best part of Del.cio.us is that I do not have to be on my own computer to find my favorites. I can be anywhere in the world, login to Del.cio.us and find my favorites. It is easy, simple to use and it's just a click away.

I plan on sharing information about Bloglines and Del.cio.us with my family, friends and co-workers.


Monday, January 29, 2007

Technology I Would Like to Learn

There are many forms of technology that I would like to learn. I am sure that there are multiple technologies that I have not even heard of. For example, I have never heard of Skype before taking this Tech class. I am really looking forward to learning how to use it.

I would also like to know how to film my students and put the film on my website. I got the idea from a film that my class watched. It was a short film about joining the "Clean Club." I thought it would be great having my own students prepare a similar skit of how we keep ourselves and our classroom clean. I would also want to do other learning skits to film and put on my website. Currently, I put several pictures of my students on my website doing different activities in school. The parents/guardians love it. I think that they would be thrilled to see a short film of their child while in school.

Below is a list of other technologies that I would be interested in learning:

Teaching through PodCasts.
Building my own website from scratch.
How to use a computer video camera, so others can see me on the computer and I can see them.

I am sure that there are many more that I would love to learn.

I am really excited about learning different types of education technology! :-)

What is Educational Technology?

After reading many definitions from various websites, I have concluded that they all pretty much say the same thing. In a nutshell, it is any form of teaching and/or learning through the use of informational technology. Listed below are websites defining educational technology:

  • Educational technology is the use of technology to improve teaching and learning. It combines technology equipment with state or national standards. It is important that teachers do not use technological equipment just for the sake of using technology. All teaching of the curriculum standards comes first. Then, teachers must see how technology can support that curriculum standard(s) and make learning interesting for students. The technology must enhance the lesson in order for the use of the lesson to be effective. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_Technology

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Educational Technology Philosophy

All people should be enriched and enlightened by receiving an equal, fair and quality education. The knowledge gained from educational technology encourages and promotes intelligent and responsible citizens to function, contribute, and adapt in a society that is continuously changing. The opportunity that I have as an educator is significant in the development of one’s skills, attitudes, appreciations and disciplines necessary for building one’s future. As an educator, I believe that it is through dedication and commitment to help build a bright future and strong community.

A few years ago, I took an enjoyable and interesting science class in college. The instructor of that class was the best teacher I have ever had. I did not particularly care much for science until I had his class. I realized that I loved science and had much appreciation for it. I learned so much. It was how he presented his lessons. He made science enjoyable and fun for me. I actually looked forward to his class. He integrated technology, had us do many hands-on activities and put so much expression/emotion into his teaching. You could tell that he truly loved his job and it never bothered him to answer my questions. Every now and then, when I look at a tree, I think about him and the knowledge I have gained.

I cannot even remember my worst teacher’s name, but I can picture his face. He was a science teacher that I had in the ninth grade. He would lecture and lecture without doing any hands-on activities and no technology was involved except for an overhead projector. His voice was always mono-toned and he never used expression. I was constantly bored in his class. I determined right then that I did not like science.

Both teachers had a big impact on me in how to and not to teach. It is somewhat funny that both my best and worst teacher taught the subject science. This was an eye-opener for me. Since the ninth grade, I did not like science. I just thought science was so dull and boring. However, after taking the college science class, I realized how much I love science. His method of teaching inspired me. I believe that teachers have a strong impact on their students especially after having experienced it myself. I realize that students respond differently. I try to take into consideration what styles/methods of teaching relate best with my students. I integrate technology into my lessons to help with this. My goal is not only to engage all my students into learning, but also to have them truly learn something and that they have enjoyed it along the way. I want to be the teacher that will be remembered.

I tend to lean more towards the Constructivist point of view. I like to provide a learning environment in a real-world setting. I also prefer learning environments that support collaborative construction of knowledge through social negotiation, not competition among learners for recognition. I try my best to serve more as a facilitator and keep my learning environment student-centered rather than teacher-centered. I always encourage higher-level thinking.

I am a teacher because I like helping people. I like to be the center of things and make things happen. This is the main reason why I am taking this technology class and striving to become a librarian. I believe the librarian is the center of the school. I like the thought of being in the middle of all the students/teachers/administrators. I feel like my personality will allow me to help all those in need. Whether a teacher needs help on the computer or a student needs help in researching his report, I want to be able to provide them with assistance.

I teach with one purpose in mind. This purpose is to have all my students become successful learners. I want my students to know that I truly care about them. It makes me happy knowing that my students like my class and that they are engaged in learning. I am the type of person who likes to get it right. If something I teach is not a success the first time, I will re-teach it another way. Using technology for educational purposes is great for this. I try to make it fun for my students. I believe that I teach like this because I put myself in my students’ shoes. I never liked school if the lesson was dull/boring or the teacher was mean/uncaring of his/her students.

Being a caring teacher is what makes one great. If a teacher cares, he/she will put the effort in planning quality lessons that will engage the students. In addition, he/she will listen to the students, hearing what they have to say. From the experiences that I had as a student, the teachers that cared enough about me to actually stop, look and listen to me made the most positive impact. I want my learners to gain knowledge, respect and a love for learning. If I achieve this, I feel like I have succeeded as a teacher.

The reason I choose the teaching strategies that I use is to hopefully accomplish the goal of my students remembering and comprehending the lessons. I want my students to be able to remember what we did in class a month ago. I want the lessons to be remembered rather than forgotten. The types of lessons that get my attention are those that fully engage the learners. I like to choose hands-on assignments that are modeled first by the teacher. I like my students to know what is expected and how to carry out the assignment while enjoying it. Synonyms for “teacher” that accurately describe what I believe myself to be are caring, friendly, patient, goal oriented motivator, success driven, and educator.

I incorporate technology in many ways. I integrate technology into my lessons. I have taught the hardware and software components to my students. We use evaluated websites when learning curriculum. For example, one of the websites my kindergarten students use is: www.starfall.com when we go to the computer lab twice a week. This is an excellent site for learning the alphabet letters and their sounds. I use an LCD video projector to model how to use software and the internet. I have used United Streaming for viewing educational and informational videos. I have taken my students to NASA without having to actually go there by the way of video conferencing. I have used an ELMO document camera for viewing books and manipulatives. I use the traditional overhead projector to model writing and phonemic awareness activities. I have also used the Fly Pen for basic counting and math.

I realize that there are so many educational technology tools that I have not yet used. I understand and value the importance of educational technology and what it can provide me and to my learners. Providing a meaningful and quality education is what is important for our future, our community and all of us. Therefore, I strive to gain knowledge and better myself as an educator and learner through discovering new ways to incorporate educational technology.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Technology Vision

My purpose for taking this ETEC class is to gain knowledge on how to use technology for educational purposes. My expectation is to learn something new and be able to incorporate it into my teaching lessons/activities and in my Librarian/Media Specialist activities.

I have a strong desire to become a School Librarian/Media Specialist. This is the reason I am obtaining my Master's Degree in Learning Technology and Information Systems. My current goal is to finish my Master's Degree and pass the Librarian Certification Test. I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel as I hope to achieve this goal in May, 2007. My near future goal is to find a position as a School Librarian/Media Specialist beginning in the fall, 2007 semester.